CRWT 22 Intermediate Poetry I
Continued work in the writing of poetry, focusing on the development of craft, image and voice. The class proceeds by means of group workshops on student writing, individual conferences with the instructor and reading across the genre. The process of revision is emphasized. Topics and emphases may vary from term to term. Please refer to "How To Apply to CRWT 20, 21, or 22" on the department website and answer all of the questions listed in a cover letter. Students must submit a 5-8 page sample of their writing along with the cover letter by the last day of classes of the term preceding the term in which they wish to enroll. These materials should be submitted electronically to the instructor. (Formerly ENGL 85)
CRWT 12 (formerly ENGL 82) and permission of the instructor. Please read the "How To Apply To CRWT 20, 21, or 22" document available on the Department of English and Creative Writing website. Students should submit, to the instructor electronically, a five – eight page writing sample of their fiction. Deadline for equal consideration for admittance is the last day of classes in the term preceding the course. Late applications will be accepted, but held until the add/drop period and reviewed if vacancies occur.
Department-Specific Course Categories
Formerly ENGL 85