Office of the Registrar
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Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
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Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23


Chair: Christopher Sneddon

Professors: M. Domosh, S.E. Freidberg, F.J. Magilligan, C.S. Sneddon, X. Shi, Associate Professors: J.M. Winter; Assistant Professors: E.E. Collins, L.A. Leon, P.J. Lopez, J.S. Mankin, A.H. Neely; Senior Lecturers: C.A. Fox; Adjunct Professors: L.V. Adams, D.E. Carey,  J.W. Chipman; Professor Emeritus: L.E. Conkey.

To view Geography courses, click here.

NEW GEOGRAPHY MAJOR, MINOR, AND MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (Required for 24s and beyond; optional for 23s)

Minimum number of courses: 10
1. One Introductory Course: GEOG 1.01, GEOG 2.01, GEOG 3.01, or GEOG 4.02

2. Two Methods Courses: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 11, or GEOG 12.01 (GEOG 12.01 is required for Senior Honors Thesis students)

3. Four Thematic Courses (breadth): one from each theme, Physical, Cultural-Social, Nature-Society, and GIS-Spatial Analysis
4. One Upper Division Course (depth): GEOG 60-80.99
5. One Additional Geography Course
6. One Culminating Experience Course: GEOG 90.01-90.05 (Advanced Seminar in Geography)

Thematic Courses:
• Physical: GEOG 5.01, 13-20.99; GEOG 1.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Cultural-Social: GEOG 6.01, 21-36.99; GEOG 2.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Nature-Society: GEOG 8.01, 37-49.99; GEOG 3.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• GIS-Spatial Analysis: GEOG 50-59.99; GEOG 4.02 if not taken as an Introductory Course, GEOG 9.01 if not taken as a Methods Course


Minimum number of courses: 7
1. One Introductory Course: GEOG 1.01, GEOG 2.01, GEOG 3.01, or GEOG 4.02
2. One Methods Course: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 11, or GEOG 12.01
3. Four Thematic Courses (breadth): one from each theme, Physical, Cultural-Social, Nature-Society, and GIS-Spatial Analysis
4. One Upper Division Course (depth): GEOG 60-80.99 or GEOG 90.01-90.05 (Advanced Seminar in Geography)

Thematic Courses:
• Physical: GEOG 5.01, 13-20.99; GEOG 1.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Cultural-Social: GEOG 6.01, 21-36.99; GEOG 2.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Nature-Society: GEOG 8.01, 37-49.99; GEOG 3.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• GIS-Spatial Analysis: GEOG 50-59.99; GEOG 4.02 if not taken as an Introductory Course, GEOG 9.01 if not taken as a Methods Course

PRIMARY MODIFICATION (Geography modified with another major):
Minimum number of Geography courses: 8
1. One Introductory Course: GEOG 1.01, GEOG 2.01, GEOG 3.01, or GEOG 4.02
2. Two Methods Courses: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 11, or GEOG 12.01 (GEOG 12.01 is required for Senior Honors Thesis students )
3. Three Thematic Courses (breadth): one from three different themes, Physical, Cultural-Social, Nature-Society, and GIS-Spatial Analysis
4. One Upper Division Course (depth): GEOG 60-80.99
5. One Culminating Experience Course: GEOG 90.01-90.05 (Advanced Seminar in Geography)
6. At least four courses in modifying department in consultation with Geography and Modifying Department Chairs

Thematic Courses:
• Physical: GEOG 5.01, 13-20.99; GEOG 1.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Cultural-Social: GEOG 6.01, 21-36.99; GEOG 2.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Nature-Society: GEOG 8.01, 37-49.99; GEOG 3.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• GIS-Spatial Analysis: GEOG 50-59.99; GEOG 4.02 if not taken as an Introductory Course, GEOG 9.01 if not taken as a Methods Course

SECONDARY MODIFICATION (Another major modified with Geography):
Minimum number of Geography courses: 5
1. One Introductory Course: GEOG 1.01, GEOG 2.01, GEOG 3.01, or GEOG 4.02
2. One Methods Courses: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 11, or GEOG 12.01
3. Two Thematic Courses (breadth): one from each theme, Physical, Cultural-Social, Nature-Society, and GIS-Spatial Analysis
4. One Upper Division Course (depth): GEOG 60-80.99 or GEOG 90.01-90.05 (Advanced Seminar in Geography)

Thematic Courses:
• Physical: GEOG 5.01, 13-20.99; GEOG 1.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Cultural-Social: GEOG 6.01, 21-36.99; GEOG 2.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• Nature-Society: GEOG 8.01, 37-49.99; GEOG 3.01 if not taken as an Introductory Course
• GIS-Spatial Analysis: GEOG 50-59.99; GEOG 4.02 if not taken as an Introductory Course, GEOG 9.01 if not taken as a Methods Course

Minimum number of courses: 6
1. Two Required courses: GEOG 6.01 and GEOG 25
2. Two Geographic Perspectives Courses
3. Two Multidisciplinary Perspectives Courses

Perspectives Courses:
• Geographic: GEOG 28, GEOG 29, GEOG 46, GEOG 78
• Multidisciplinary: AMES 53, ANTH 58, ARTH 13, ARTH 52, COCO 5/GEOG 67.01, ECON 38, ENGS 44, HIST 32, PBPL 81.03, REL 30, SART 65

Minimum number of courses: 6
1. One Foundation Course: GEOG 1.01, GEOG 15.01, EARS 14, EARS 15

2. Four Elective Courses: at least two Climate Drivers and Impacts and at least one Analysis
3. One Upper Division Course: GEOG 60, GEOG 61.01, EARS 78

Elective Courses:
• Climate Drivers and Impacts: GEOG 5.01, GEOG 16.01, GEOG 17.01/EARS 33, GEOG 18.01, GEOG 19.01, GEOG 62.01, EARS 34, EARS 70, EARS 75, BIOL 26, ENVS 15, ENVS 30
• Analysis: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 51, GEOG 54, GEOG 77, EARS 17, ENGS 20, BIOL 29, BIOL 59, COSC 1, MATH 40, MATH 46, MATH 50, MATH 70


Minimum number of courses: 10
1. One Introductory Course: GEOG 1.01 or GEOG 2.01 (GEOG 1 or GEOG 3)
2. Two Methods Courses: GEOG 9.01, GEOG 11, or GEOG 12.01 (GEOG 11 or GEOG 50-59)
3. Three Breadth Courses: one from Physical, Cultural-Social, and Nature-Society
4. Three Additional Geography courses
5. One Culminating Experience Course: GEOG 90 (Advanced Seminar in Geography) required

Thematic Courses*:
• Physical: GEOG 5.01,13-20.01; GEOG 1.01 if not taken as Introductory (GEOG 5, 8, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35)
• Cultural-Social: GEOG 6.01, 21.01-36.01, GEOG 2.01 if not taken as Introductory (GEOG 2, 4.1, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 41, 43, 45, 47, 61, 62, 81, 82)
• Nature-Society: GEOG 8.01, 37.01-49, GEOG 3.01 if not taken as Introductory (GEOG 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 65, 67)

* Old course numbers are in italics

Students apply to the honors thesis program by submitting a formal letter of application and a preliminary proposal to the department in the Junior Year Spring Term. The department offers preliminary acceptance to the honors program based on these documents and an assessment of major and overall GPA. Proposals and research plans are developed further in Geography 90 during Senior Year Fall Term, with research occurring anytime Junior Year Summer Term to Senior Year Winter Term. Thesis public presentation and defense occurs in Senior Year May, with the final draft due shortly after the defense.

The Department of Geography is committed to encouraging and preparing students to pursue graduate studies in geography and related disciplines. Interested students should contact a geography faculty member to receive mentorship in major design and graduate school preparation.