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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23

Jewish Studies

Chair: S. Heschel

Professors S. Ackerman (REL), S. Heschel (REL), I. Kacandes (GERM), S. Kan (ANTH), L. D. Kritzman (FRIT), S. Magid (JWST); Associate Professors E. Z. Benor (REL), T. El-Ariss (MES), V. Fuechtner (GERM), U. Greenberg (HIST), Y. Komska (GERM), A. Orleck (HIST), J. Smolin (MES), M. F. Zeiger (ENGL); Adjunct Professors  E. Fishere (MES), S. E. Kangas (ARTH), B. S. Kreiger (ENGL), K. F. Milich (COLT); Visiting Professors,  B. Avishai (GOVT), M. Brumlik, R. Greenblatt, M. Naor, E. Rosenblatt, J. Schorsch, I. von der Lühe;  Post-Doc Fellow:  A. Simon (MES).

The Jewish Studies Program serves to provide a multi-disciplinary focal point for the various courses in Jewish history, religion, literature, and culture that are given at Dartmouth as well as to sponsor special course offerings (including those by the annual Brownstone Visiting Professor) and a variety of academic activities related to the discipline. The program currently offers a minor.


To view Jewish Studies courses, click here


Jewish Studies Minor

The minor is designed to offer a general introduction to the historical and cultural experience of Jews throughout the world, and to Jewish thought, literature, and contemporary political and social issues. At the same time, it provides the opportunity for students who wish to do more intensive work in a single discipline. Those completing the minor are encouraged, but not required, to obtain at least a working knowledge of Hebrew (HEBR 3, or equivalent).

Requirements: A total of six courses, which must include:

Two Introductory courses

JWST 4/REL 4, Religion of Israel: The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), or JWST 6/Religion 6, Introduction to Judaism


JWST 10/HIST 94.8, History and Culture of the Jews I: The Classical Period or JWST 11/History 94.9, History and Culture of the Jews II: The Modern Period

One course in the Literature, Language and Culture of the Jewish People

Three courses chosen from the other course offerings in the program, selected in consultation with the advisor.