COLT 57.07 Holocaust, Communism, Terrorism, and NeoFascism in Europe and the USA
On a continent where war, exile, extermination, and political and cultural repression have been pervasive over the centuries, new identities of resistance can emerge if Europeans place at their center the unforgivable memories of their shared atrocities. This course will address European integration not only as an economic or political concept but instead as a cult\\u00ADural pract\\u00ADice of resist\\u00ADance in t\\u00ADhe art\\u00ADs, part\\u00ADicularly in lit\\u00ADerat\\u00ADure and film. Aut\\u00ADhors include Semprun, Livi, Amery, Kis, Jelloun, Saramago and films by Resnais, Wajda, von Trot\\u00ADt\\u00ADa, and Costa\\u00ADGavras
Cross Listed Courses
INTS 17.07