CHEM 6 General Chemistry
The second term of a two-course sequence to introduce the fundamental principles of chemistry, including chemical stoichiometry; the properties of gases, liquids, and solids; solutions; chemical equilibria; atomic and molecular structure; an introduction to thermodynamics; reaction kinetics; and a discussion of the chemical properties of selected elements. The laboratory work emphasizes physical-chemical measurements, quantitative analysis, and synthesis. An outline of topics for review of secondary school background in preparation for college general chemistry is available from the Department of Chemistry. Students who are eligible to receive credit-on-entrance for CHEM 5-6 may not enroll in CHEM 5-6 or CHEM 10 for course credit without permission of the Department. Credit-on-entrance for CHEM 5-6 will be withdrawn for students who subsequently enroll in CHEM 5-6 or CHEM 10. Prerequisite for CHEM 5: MATH 3.
Prerequisite for Chem 6:
MATH 3 and
CHEM 5. Supplemental course fee required.