Office of the Registrar
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Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25

PH 226 One Health: Pan-Epidemics in our Anthropocene

This course will focus on understanding epidemics from the lens of the One Health triad of human, animal, and environmental health.  Grading will be based on student discussion boards and student responses to prompts.  Discussion of "pan-epidemics" will include past outbreaks due to a given pathogen, if any.  Emphasis will be given to how best anticipate, recognize and act with regard to present and future outbreaks from a One Health perspective.  Readings will be from publications and online sources e.g., the World Health Organization(WHO), the Scientific American special edition Fall 2021 titled "The Age of Humans", and The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Exhibit 2018-2022 and 2022-2024 based on the theme "One Health proposed in 2015 by the PH 226 faculty and originator of the Smithsonian Exhibit, as well as the book "Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic", by David Quammen.  The course will include zoonotic virus outbreaks and "pan-pandemics" including Ebola, Coronaviruses, Influenza and Nipah virus.

0.50 Dartmouth units; (HP, P, LP, NC)

Required for Online MPH

Offered: Winter - Second Year



Dan Lucey