Office of the Registrar
Campus Address
Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
Fax: (603) 646-xxxx
Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23

Student Penalty Fees and Fines Policy

Fines and penalty fees may be assessed to students for various rule infractions and violations of policy. With due notification penalty fees and fines may be charged to the student’s Administrative Fees and Fines Account. Failure to pay such fines or penalties may prevent a student’s registration or release of transcripts or a diploma.

The Executive Vice President shall review and in consultation with the Student Assembly and Graduate Student Council approve all student fines and penalty fees that may be assessed. Student fines shall be consistently applied within the Dartmouth Community and will be approved only when the following criteria are met:

The amount of the fine or assessment must be reasonably related to the costs and/or seriousness of the infraction or violation of policy.

Revenue realized from the assessment of penalty fees and fines will be recorded to a general revenue account of the College. Generally, such revenue may not accrue to the department that assesses the fine.

Administrative costs associated with assessing and posting fines, hearing appeals, and collecting payments can be substantial, accordingly, alternative means to ensure compliance with rules and regulations must be considered before a penalty fee or fine will be approved.

Once the Executive Vice President has approved a penalty fee or fine, the following requirements or procedures must be met:

All rule infractions and violations of policy which will result in the assessment of a fine or penalty fee, must be identified in the Student Handbook and appropriate College or departmental materials and mailings. Specific reference shall be made in the Student Handbook that fines and penalty fees may be appealed.

Departmental materials shall include the amount of the fine, a statement of purpose, the circumstances under which penalty fees or fines are assessed, and the consequences of noncompliance.

Departments must publicize in their materials and mailings or by other means that an appeals process exists for students or parents who believe that their individual circumstances warrant an exception to assessment of the penalty fee or fine. Specific information should be available in connection with the handling of appeals and appeals must be heard and resolved within a timely manner.

Students who commit rule infractions subject to a fine or penalty must be notified that a violation has occurred and that a charge is being assessed. If a fine is caused by the student’s failure to meet a published deadline, notification of the fee is not required.

Fines and penalty assessments must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office within 30 days of the date the violation has been confirmed. Fees and fines may not be charged to a student’s administrative account once the 30-day period has lapsed or the student is no longer enrolled because of graduation or withdrawal from the College. In cases where fees are assessed to reimburse the College for the actual cost of damages, fines must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office as soon as possible after final costs have been determined, but no longer than 30 days. Note: departments and offices may not receive or deposit direct payments from students for fines or penalty fees. They must be submitted to the Dartmouth Card Office.

If it is determined that a fine has been assessed incorrectly or waiver of the penalty fee has been approved as a result of the appeals process, the appropriate credit must be expeditiously applied to the student’s Administrative Fees and Fines account.