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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23

Mathematics - Graduate

Chair: Sergi Elizalde

Vice Chair: Marcia Groszek

Professors V. Chernov, A. Gelb, S. Elizalde, D. Giannakis, M. J. Groszek, P. J. Hanlon, P. Mucha, R. C. Orellana, S. D. Pauls, D. Rockmore, J. Voight, D. I. Wallace, D. L. Webb, D. P. Williams, P. Winkler; Associate Professors A. Auel, F. Fu, I. Petkova, C. J. Sutton , J. D. Trout, E. van Erp; Assistant Professor Y. Lee, E. Levien; Research Instructors B. Choi, S. Frei, N. Lafreniere, J. Miller, L. Shu, M. Tyomkin, Z. Wang, B. Zhou; Research Associates, Lectures, and Fellows E. Assaf, Z. Chen, O. Chu, J. Glaubitz, J. Han, A. Kulkarni, T. Li, M. Montgomery, J. Petok, T. Russel, C. Schembri, R. Vaughn; Research Professors M. Parno, J. Slawinska; Adjunct Professor E. Demidenko.


To view Mathematics Graduate courses, click here. 

To view Mathematics Undergraduate requirements, click here.

To view Mathematics Undergraduate courses, click here.


See the Department website for projected terms for future course offerings.

Please note that course meeting times and instructors are subject to change until the Timetable of Class Meetings for the specific term is published by the Registrar’s Office.

Introductory Courses


The Graduate Program in Mathematics

Dartmouth College offers programs of graduate study leading to the Ph.D. and A.M. degrees in mathematics. Normally, the A.M. program is the first step in the Ph.D. program.  The Ph.D. program is designed to meet the need for mathematicians who are highly qualified in both teaching and scholarship. The College provides an environment in which a doctoral candidate can pursue professional study in mathematics and prepare to be an effective teacher.

Requirements for the Master’s Degree (A.M.)

In addition to the general College requirements for the master’s degree, the math department requirements for the A.M. in mathematics are as follows:
  1. Satisfactory completion of three out of five pairs of core courses:  (101, 111), (103, 113), (104, 114), (106, 116), (126, 136).[1]
  2. Successful completion of the Advancement Examination at a Master's level.
  3. Non-course requirements which parallel those of those continuing in the Ph.D. program. In particular, students must receive credit for Mathematics 107 once during each year while enrolled.
  4. Completion of at least five terms in good standing. [2]

Note (1):  Normally this requirement for the A.M. is completed in the first year. Study may be extended into the second year, only if approved.  Syllabi for these ten courses are available from the Department of Mathematics.

Note (2): In addition to five terms in residence, students must obtain credit in fifteen courses of graduate quality with a limit of at most five replaced by approved research or special study.

Requirements for the Doctor’s Degree (Ph.D.)

The requirements for the Ph.D. degree in mathematics are as follows:

  1. Successful completion of the A.M. degree (described above). 
  2. Successful completion of the Advancement Examination at the Ph.D. level.
  3. Admission to Ph.D. candidacy by the departmental Graduate Program Committee as a result of its review, which takes place at the end of the spring term of the second year of graduate study. This review will take account of all the relevant information that the Graduate Program Committee can gather, such as the student’s record in courses and seminars, the student’s performance during the advancement process, and an estimate of the student’s ability to write an acceptable thesis.
  4. Completion of a doctoral thesis of acceptable quality, and its defense in an oral examination.
  5. Successful completion of the teaching seminar and teaching two courses in the three years after passing to candidacy.  Preparation for the teaching seminar includes such activities as tutoring in the years before admission to candidacy.  This requirement is met by receiving credit for Mathematics 107 once during each year preceding admission to candidacy, credit for Mathematics 147, and credit for Mathematics 149 twice during the three years following admission to candidacy.