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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23

Biological Sciences - Graduate


Chair: Thomas P. Jack

Professors M. P. Ayres, M. Bezanilla, S. E. Bickel, R. G. Calsbeek, K. L. Cottingham, M. L. Guerinot, T. P. Jack, W-L Lee, C. R. McClung, M. A. McPeek, K. J. Peterson, G. E. Schaller, E. F. Smith, L. A. Witters; Associate Professors P. J. Dolph, E. E. Griffin, M. B. Hoppa, H. M. ter Hofstede, O. Zhaxybayeva; Assistant Professors  A. A. Amodeo, B. He, R .A. Hill, M. E. Laidre, C. D. Nadell, C. E. Hicks Pries; Senior Lecturer N. M. Grotz; Lecturers B. Calsbeek, M. Gamble; Professor Emeritus E. M. Berger, C. L. Folt, J. J. Gilbert, D. R. Peart; Research Professor and Professor Emeritus R. T. Holmes, R. D. Sloboda; Associate Professor Emeritus S. J. Velez; Adjunct Professors K. E. Griswold, D. A. Leib, L. R. Lynd, G. A. O’Toole, M. J. Turk; Adjunct Associate Professors D. Gilbert-Diamond, G. Grigoryan; Adjunct Assistant Professors C. G. Howe, M. E. Romano; Research Professor C. Y. Chen; Research Assistant Professor T. Punshon


To view Biological Sciences Graduate courses, click here.

To view Biological Sciences Undergraduate requirements, click here.

To view Biological Sciences Undergraduate courses, click here.


Requirements for Advanced Degrees

The general requirements for advanced degrees are given in the Regulations for Graduate Study section. Each graduate student must receive credit for a set of courses chosen in consultation with the advisory committee. All graduate students are expected to participate in departmental colloquia and weekly seminars.

To receive the Ph.D. degree in Biology a candidate must satisfactorily:

  1. Complete the course requirement, as described above.
  2. Complete the teaching requirement as specified by the advisory committee.
  3. Demonstrate mastery of conceptual and factual material in the major area of specialization in an oral examination.
  4. Present and satisfactorily defend a thesis proposal before the advisory committee.
  5. Satisfy the two-year residence requirement of the College.
  6. Complete a doctoral dissertation.
  7. Defend the dissertation before a faculty committee appointed for this purpose.

Although the graduate program is designed for students pursuing the Ph.D. degree, a master’s degree may be awarded under special circumstances. To receive an M.S. degree in Biology, a candidate 1) must satisfactorily complete course and teaching requirements, as specified by the advisory committee, 2) complete a thesis, 3) defend the thesis in an oral examination before a faculty committee, and 4) satisfy the one-year residence requirement of the College.