Office of the Registrar
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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2023-24

PHIL 50.15 Neuroethics

The brain is the seat of who we are. This course will examine ethical issues that arise from our growing understanding of the brain, and our consequent ability to monitor and manipulate it. We will discuss timely issues such as cognitive enhancement, the ethics of brain interventions, drugs, and neural gene therapies, and the possibility of mindreading. Later in the course we will examine the ways in which our growing knowledge of the biological basis of moral cognition may or may not have effects on our moral theorizing.


Two Philosophy courses, or permission of the instructor.

Degree Requirement Attributes


The Timetable of Class Meetings contains the most up-to-date information about a course. It includes not only the meeting time and instructor, but also its official distributive and/or world culture designation. This information supersedes any information you may see elsewhere, to include what may appear in this ORC/Catalog or on a department/program website. Note that course attributes may change term to term therefore those in effect are those (only) during the term in which you enroll in the course.