PSYC 52.10 Neurodiversity
There is remarkable variation in how each of our brains are wired and how we each experience the world. Yet, neuroscience has traditionally focused on understanding the general principles of neural processing, often overlooking the diversity of cognitive experience. The course centers on a timely and fundamental question: what does “neurodiversity” mean, and in what ways can neural architecture exhibit diversity? To address this question, we will harness philosophical, neurobiological, and computational perspectives. Moving away from a medicalized model of thinking about psychiatric conditions, this course introduces key dimensions of human cognition that are thought to be particularly susceptible to neurodiversity (e.g., predict vs. sense, explore vs. exploit, empathize vs. systemize). Along the way, we will integrate neural and computational models of how these dimensions neurally and cognitively manifest in conditions like autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, and anxiety. We will also examine timeless issues like “nature versus nurture”, to understand what specialized neural circuitry is innate vs. developed in humans. Finally, we’ll tackle ethical questions around diagnosis, intervention, and societal perceptions. This course is designed for students who are interested in exploring cutting-edge studies in cognitive science, neuroscience, and computational psychiatry, building on their prior knowledge in these areas while honing their skills in reading and synthesizing scientific literature.
Department-Specific Course Categories
Psychological and Brain Sciences