GERM 65.12 Turkish German Literature and Culture (in German)
One in five people in Germany now has a so-called “background of migration” (Migrationshintergrund); in other words, either themselves or their parents or grandparents migrated to Germany in the second half of the 20th century or at the beginning of the 21st century. After the World War II, Germany needed a massive workforce to reconstruct its economy, especially in the manufacturing sector, and invited “guest workers” (Gastarbeiter*innen) from other countries. Immigration from Türkiye, in particular, has significantly changed Germany’s overall cultural, political, and economic landscape. The course will explore the following questions: How do literary, filmic, and musical works and theatrical performances produced by Turkish German writers and artists describe and explain the constitution of the “German” identity and “Germanness”? How do the themes, topics, and literary and artistic styles in their works intersect with those produced by writers and artists from other minoritized groups, such as Black Germans, Middle Eastern Germans, Jewish Germans, and refugee writers and artists? How do these works contribute to creating a multicultural, inclusive, and anti-racist society in Germany?
Department-Specific Course Categories
German Studies