EARS 80.04 Community Partnerships for Climate Resilience 2
The course is the second of a two term sequence created to give you the foundational scientific understanding to dive deeply into a meaningful project related to climate resilience, to collaborate as a multidisciplinary team, and to gain experience in the skills needed tackle a real-world challenge that makes a tangible impact outside the classroom. In this second term of the course, you will continue to work with your community partner to begin the implement the climate resilience project you started during winter term. While the project likely will not be fully implemented by the end of the spring term, your idea should be sufficiently advanced to be far more than a concept sketch or slide presentation. The aim is implementation with a measurable impact. Ideally, your project will help your partner organization build on your work well beyond the second term; perhaps leading to a presentation to review board, an application for funding the project or a larger initiative. The format of your project’s output can be a physical product, an app, a program, a service, an experience, or any other format relevant to the challenge. EARS 79.02 and EARS 80.04 are intended to be taken in sequence in the same academic year.
Department-Specific Course Categories
Earth Sciences