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New Undergraduate Course Supplement 2023

SOCY 52 Insurgent Publics Sociology

Within the short quarter century run of the 21st century, the world has witnessed a global upwelling of insurgency. Uprisings against political dictators swept countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya in what became known as the “Arab Spring.” Demonstrations against austerity, rising living costs, student debt, and police brutality and racism turned public squares, parks, and streets into revolutionary arenas in the United States, Spain, Turkey, and Venezuela. At a macro-level, how do we understand the simultaneity and geographic dispersion of these protests? Does this moment of insurgency differ from insurgent periods of the past? At a more micro-level, what were the social bases of these insurgent publics and what were the social forces acting upon these insurgent moments? More fundamentally, can we distinguish between moments of upheaval that lead to systemic change versus those that tend to stabilize the status quo?

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