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New Undergraduate Course Supplement 2023

LACS 30.60 Brazil: History, Culture, Politics and Systemic Racism

This course provides a rigorous treatment of the dynamics of Brazilian racial relations. Students will learn about the economic, social and political history of slavery in Brazil and will be exposed to the leading racial relations and racism theories that have been produced in the social sciences and through social movements. The course explores the colonial legacy of servitude in post-abolition Brazilian society and examines the development of an Afro-Brazilian culture and identity.

Degree Requirement Attributes

Dist:INT or SOC; WCult:NW

The Timetable of Class Meetings contains the most up-to-date information about a course. It includes not only the meeting time and instructor, but also its official distributive and/or world culture designation. This information supersedes any information you may see elsewhere, to include what may appear in this ORC/Catalog or on a department/program website. Note that course attributes may change term to term therefore those in effect are those (only) during the term in which you enroll in the course.

Department-Specific Course Categories

Latin American Latino and Caribbean Studies