ASCL 60.26 Thinking of Contemporary Issues in Japan through Graphic Novels (Manga)
This course aims to explore some of the critical and interconnected issues of contemporary Japan as they are represented in graphic novels (manga): gender roles (Ooku, Little Miss P, The Way of Househusband), same-sex intimacy (My Brother's Husband, Whispered Words), disabilities (Real, Silent Voice), body image (In Clothes Called Fat), and more. For the first week, students will learn the basic mechanics of manga, its history, and its significance both within Japan and on a global scale, which will help them better understand this medium vis-a-vis "comic books" in the United States. Beginning in Week 2, students will carefully read the assigned work (usually multiple volumes per day; one volume ranges from 200-250 pages) while taking detailed notes. Though it is important for students to enjoy and appreciate the form and content of the assigned primary texts, they are also expected to read the works introspectively—"What do I think about this trope/story/character and why? Is my evaluation valid?"—and comparatively.
Distributive and/or World Culture
Dist:LIT; WCult:NW