Office of the Registrar
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Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2022-23

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is an honorary society, originally founded at the College of William and Mary in 1776, in which membership is conferred for high scholastic standing only. The Alpha of New Hampshire was established at Dartmouth in 1787, being the fourth oldest chapter in the country. Membership is determined by vote of the chapter according to scholarship record, no initiative being taken by the student. The secretary-treasurer and chapter contact is Kate Soule.

The following persons are eligible for regular membership:

  1. Any undergraduate who on October 15 of the fall term three years after matriculation has completed at least eight R (Residence) or O (Off-Campus) terms at Dartmouth College, and who then ranks in cumulative average among the twenty highest in that category. To be considered on October 15, such a student should have completed (with final grades) all courses for previous terms; if such is impossible, the student may present the reasons to the Chapter Secretary for due consideration.
  2. Any student who at the time of graduation from Dartmouth College has a cumulative average no lower than the average achieved by graduates within the top tenth of those graduating in the preceding three academic years. If the application of this figure results in the selection of less than ten percent of the graduating class, additional students will be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa to bring the total membership to ten percent of the graduating class.
  3. No student who has been suspended from Dartmouth College is eligible for membership in Phi Beta Kappa.

Note: The cumulative average required of candidates during the academic year 2022-2023 is 3.91 which was the dividing line for the top tenth of those graduated in the academic years 2019-2020 to 2021-2022.